Tech & Gadgets

Increasing Laptop Productivity

Working on your laptop? Here are some laptop tips to help you boost your productivity so it is 100x of what it would usually be.

Reasons Laptop is a Great Tool

Laptops may seem to empower with their mobile technology, but the newest study from IDC shows agility is a big drawback for a staggering 73% of professionals. Laptops allow flexibility and convenience for any time, but until laptops become as power-efficient as intended next-generation offerings, they may not always be worth it to further your career opportunities.

With the cloud, your laptop productivity gets a boost! All your files are easily searchable and accessible via Google Drive to be used on all other devices.

Three Must-Have Accessories for Laptops

Looking for ways to better utilize your laptop? Laptop accessories such as a laptop cooler and wireless mouse and keyboard help to reduce cable clutter and be more productive. Consider buying an external hard drive or higher storage space for additional file storage.

How to increase laptop productivity?

To increase productivity on your device, consider the following products: the laptop stand, mouse, and keyboard. Using the right accessories can help you work effectively. For example, if you like touchpad input, look for a device with this input option; if not, use a mouse to point and click.

Pros of a better laptop setup

When using laptops, it is important that the device is at eye level and a decent keyboard and mouse are used. Invest in a desktop-quality keyboard with a high key count to maximize productivity – this will also allow you to buy a mouse with ergonomic properties specific to your hand size. Furthermore, an under-desk rotating monitor would increase screen space, enabling easier workflow.

Laptops are all the rage nowadays because of their portability. However, do you make the most out of your time while using them?

If you have limited productivity on laptops, make sure to check out this article for ideas to increase your software tasks and get more done in less time. Automation is key to getting ahead of other offers sprints without the need for increased hours.